Marinedi and Nagua Bio together to preserve the marine environment
The pollutants from normal boat cleaning products.
21/02/2023To reduce the pollution from plastic into the oceans, the World Sustainability Organization recently launched the “Plastic Offset “programwhich allows companies as Nagua to offset the use of plastic in their production processes.
The pollution and the preservation of the environment have become one of the most pressing issues in recent years. Our planet is in free fall on the environmental front, and it is a nosedive that starts from afar. Industrialization, mass production, unbridled consumption, disposable culture, disproportionate packaging and insufficient and improper waste disposal are gradually leading us to the catastrophe. And it is a self-destructive process that runs at dizzying speeds.
To save ourselves, there is no other solution than to reverse the trend and try as much as possible to reduce the impact on nature. Each of us must be aware that any of our activities can devastate the environment, and the common effort must be to leave a “light” footprint in our daily walk. We must no longer act passively and with our heads in the sand. The imperative is to choose through concrete and conscious actions regarding what we produce, how much we consume, and how we dispose of it.
Read also: Marinedi and Nagua together to preserve the marine environment
Nagua chose the environment right from the beginning.
And it is exactly with this urgency to follow an alternative course and embrace a new, deeply ecological philosophy that Nagua began a few years ago to produce and offer cleaning and personal care products dedicated to boating, those who sail and all those who love the sea. On closer observation, it is an absolutely strategic commodity sector that affects our daily lives and on which a good deal of global and especially ocean pollution depends.
Nagua’s “eco” commitment starts with the study of new formulations, the use of exclusively natural raw materials, and scrupulous attention to the entire life cycle of its products, which starts with production and ends with packaging. Passing through the labels that transparently and clearly inform what each product contains, for the “eco friendly” certifications of professional and neutral entities, for instructions for use aimed at correct dosage, and finally for detailed instructions on how to dispose or recycle all to minimize the impact on nature.
Offsetting plastic use is fundamental
But saving the environment is not just about looking down one’s nose. We need to observe what is around us and be able to seize new opportunities to work together for a common project. That is why Nagua in 2023 chose to join the Plastic Offset program launched by the World Sustainability Organization, which has been involved in international corporate sustainability certification (Friend of the Sea) and marine environmental protection projects for more than 30 years. In this case, the purpose of the initiative is to reduce plastic and microplastic pollution through an offsetting activity. What does it mean? In practice, with the Plastic Offset certification Nagua has the opportunity to offset the use of plastic in its production processes by contributing with €1 for every kg of plastic sold. This amount is used to help associations and green entities in collecting plastic at sea and beaches.
All proceeds from the international compensation program go to WSO’s own partner organizations, and the funds are distributed as follows: 80.5 % to projects dealing of collecting plastic waste, 10.3 % to social services and 9.2 % for logistics operations. So also through Nagua’s efforts WSO can support plastic collection activities in rivers and oceans, as well as projects raising awareness and providing incentives to use alternative systems to plastic.
Nagua solid products: certified, natural and “sea friendly”
The partnership between Nagua and the World Sustainability Organization had begun a few years ago with the Friend of the Sea certification of all products in the company’s catalog and now continues with this concrete initiative on the ground to protect the environment. Moreover, Nagua was the first company to join the “Plastic Offset” project.
But Nagua looks for alternatives to plastic every day, which is why it offers the solid cosmetics line. This includes Solid Eco Conditioner, Solid Eco Shampoo and Solid Eco Shower Bath. All detergents made with natural and environmentally friendly ingredients whose use allows for maximum concentration of undiluted active ingredients and reduced plastic consumption, as well as unnecessary waste of water.
In summary, living by an ecological philosophy every day is not only possible, but must start with ourselves, including choosing to use products that are the fruit of a new consciousness that puts the environment and our planet at the top of the list of our deepest values.
How to leave a light footprint when we are on board
- Choose certified sustainable products that do not release microplastics
- Correctly dispose of any waste
- Be very careful with packaging left unattended: it can fall overboard during navigation
- Use products and bulk goods
- Avoid fresh products pre-packed in plastic
- Use reusable bags for shopping
- Use a water dispenser and reusable bottles
- Avoid redundant and unnecessary packaging
- Avoid disposable products
- Reduce the use of synthetic fibers
- Look for alternative “plastic-free packaging” products
Good wind
team nagua